Re: Does the shared lib bug work on any suid program ?

Fred Blonder (fred@NASIRC.HQ.NASA.GOV)
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 17:18:10 -0500

        From: Bernd Lehle <Bernd.Lehle@RUS.Uni-Stuttgart.DE>

        after all the fuzz about the telnet/shared lib stuff somebody
        here came up with something that might be even more

        What woul hapen in the following case:


        This game could be played with any suid program, where You know
        what routines it calls.

        Or am I missing something ?

You're missing something.

The dynamic linker won't pay attention to the LD_-whatever environment
variables if a program is set-uid: (real and effective UIDs different).

This is a problem with /bin/login only because it runs as "root"
withOUT being set-uid; real and effective UIDs are the same.